Made for the Mini Jame Gam #20

There seems to be a problem with the mouse in some browsers. Just click on the continue-button in the menu, to remove the mouse!

Run through the maze and try to collect all the orgen keys. But be aware, you don't have the time to do so. You also need to find clocks, to get more time!

But what happened there, why was it abandoned? Was is the mysterious   organ in the ominous  glowing room?

WASD : Move
Shift:  Sprint
Control / C: Crouch
E: Interact
Esc:  Menu


Download 33 MB


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Awesome Game. My winning method was the good old "Finger on the wall and keep walking" the first try was keep on the right wall, it was to less time. Then I tried sticking to the left wall and it was very close but i won. Thanks for the fun game!